It is a pleasure to present our new website www.PMOffice.dk – Out new marketing platform includes an updated Corporate Visuelle Idendity (CVI) allowing us to develop, maintain and build our idendity to accord with and facilitate the corporate business objectives.

PMOffice has invested i e-conomic, to ensure a professional handling of invoicing to our clients. A professional invoice administation will ensure our client to recieve invoice timely in the right quality to ensure a easy interaction with PMOffice.

PMOffice has signed a partner agreement til Cost EngineerinG from the Nederlands. Cost EngineerinG are a world leading service provider within cost estimating, the partner agreement will ensure PMOffice access to world class education and common competence development. PMOffice and Cost Engineering with join expertice to enhance the knowledges about total cost management in Scandinavia.

PMOffice has hired a marketing specialist Networkmedia to develope www.PMOffice.dk allowing us to share our competenses for potential clients online. Out new marketing platform includes an updated Corporate Visuelle Idendity (CVI) allowing us to develop, maintain and build our idendity to accord with and facilitate the corporate business objectives.

PMOffice has invested in the Danløn app, supporting a easy registration of hours and expenses. Besides, our employees always have an easy asses to pay checks for the latest 12 months. PMOffice has signe a service agreement til Pro Økonomiservice, ensuring that employee tax, holiday savings etc. will be manages in a professional manner.

Our network

Our location

Hestehøje 3
4400 Kalundborg

PM Office
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